Friday, April 06, 2007

esto seria por ahora {via Defamer}

Recently realizing that his weekly, post-Gelson's-run debriefing of the fifteen trusty Level-IV Sustenance-Acquisition Techs who keep his compound stocked with foodstuffs always seems to include troubling reports of new magazine cover stories detailing his stifling control of a frustrated war-bride on the verge of escape, Tom Cruise paused from determining exactly how many links to add to Katie Holmes' ankle chains as a reward for three consecutive days of good behavior, sighed, and decided it might be time to start to start fostering a public illusion about his wife's limited independence. After grudgingly approving a small-time acting job for Holmes, he's now instructed evil agency CAA to direct her to her "own" public relations firm, according to gossip Roger Friedman:

But now, out of nowhere, she's hired Ina Treciokas of ID'PR, a good, solid agency that handles everyone from Sean Penn to Diane Lane, Kevin Kline, and Wynona Ryder. Everyone likes the ID'PR team; they're easy to work with.
But Holmes' move away from Rogers and Cowan is kind of interesting. Insiders say she was guided to the firm by her agents at CAA. Many top CAA clients on the West Coast, however, go to Steven Huvane at PMK HBH, because of the connection to CAA's chief Kevin Huvane, his brother. ID'PR was a little out of left field.
Is it Katie's new independence we keep reading about in the supermarket tabloids? I doubt it. The couple is not breaking up any time soon, folks. The deal is done. But Holmes is making a movie, "Mad Money," and starting to feel her way around town a little these days. Insiders tell me that so far, Tom -- always depicted as controlling and stifling -- did not sit in on the meetings between Katie and her new flacks.

Allowing Katie to take her own publicist meetings was a big step for Cruise; while he would have preferred to be physically present to ensure that nothing could go wrong, his commitment to this new Holmes Independence Initiative demanded that he stay in his mobile command center parked at the curb of the PR agency's headquarters, trusting that she would receive each transmission instructing her to tell her new handlers "Tom totally supports me going out on my own!" and "Walking away from Batman was completely my decision!" he delivered to the tiny speaker hidden in her ear.

1 comment:

aleurzua said...

ok. habra que esperar entonces para ver como se desarrolla la historia...
besos y gracias!