Friday, October 20, 2006

MI [racionalizado] placer culpable

[gentileza de Grey Matter; editado {...} para no arruinar retrasos de nuevas temporadas en otros hemisferios]

Admit it. Grey’s Anatomy is one of your guilty pleasures, right? Your curl-up-on-the-couch, unplug-the-phone, “get your own dinner” pleasure. I could be wrong, but that’s what people tell me. Don’t feel bad. Some people’s guilty pleasures get them into much more trouble than watching Grey’s in the comfort of your home ever will.
Which brings me to my next point: top five reasons you should not feel guilty about taking this hour out of your life to watch our show.
(1) You get to learn life lessons. Yes, I’m the doctor-writer on the show but I’m not talking medical things, I’m talking life lessons. Things that pertain to all of us somehow, someway. Not in every episode for every one of us, but I think if you look back, you’ll find some reflection of yourself in at least one of the characters or situations.
(2) You get to see that there are people in the universe more flawed than you! (not that anyone who watches GA is flawed… you’re all fantabulous!) Everyone’s looking for perfection and I think our show pretty much lets you know: there is no perfection, just levels of flawed humanity. And our characters have that down ten-fold. And as much as you may hate to admit it, I think most people can see just a little piece of themselves in at least one character. I, for one, like Meredith more the more I get to know her. Yeah, she’s got issues. Big ones. Gargantuan ones. She makes bad decisions. Really bad. Phenomenally bad. But who am I to say if given her situation I’d cope better? Which leads to reason number 3…
(3) You get to learn to move with your whole body. Okay, I’ll admit it. That one I learned from some wise person on “Dancing With the Stars.” But Alex said it, too: live your life while you can...
(4) [saltado para no anular sorpresas futuras]
(5) You can be inspired. Bailey inspires me. Almost weekly. She’s so amazing both in character and in real person-ville...
(6) You can realize that maybe your day-to-day issues aren’t as terrible as they seem. I mean, nobody’s gonna die if you filed the wrong folder, right (I mean, literally)? ...
(7) You get to learn new vocabulary. There was the roll-off-the-tongue “seriously.” Then the infamous “vah-jay jay.” Now I challenge you to use “swirl” in everyday conversation. And I’m loving the re-introduction of 70’s phenom “chump.”

Yeah, yeah I know. Not five reasons. Whatever. All I can say is, if Grey’s is your guilty pleasure in life, I think you can feel pretty good about it. At least you won’t end up stuck on your spouse, being pulverized at an M&M, or getting kicked out of a city. At least I hope not.

1 comment:

aleurzua said...

mira rh+, tienes toda la razon como siempre. excelente aporte.

pero debo aclararte algo al tiro: NUNCA, NUNCA greys anatomy fue, es ni sera un placer "culpable" para mi. nooo!!! es el placer que uno se merece, por el simple hecho de ser como es y tener la vida que uno tiene. seriously.