Monday, May 21, 2007

pero aleurzua?????

como no habias comentado esto???

NYTimes: Accused of Plagiarism, Magazine Withdraws Issue
Published: May 14, 2007

After being accused by Radar magazine of stealing an article, the Chilean magazine Cosas said it had been hoodwinked by a reporter and had withdrawn the issue from newsstands.
Radar's March/April issue cover article, ''Toxic Bachelors,'' depicted celebrities as cads; an article in the April issue of Cosas, ''Solteros Tòxicos,'' featured the same celebrities behaving boorishly and included what appeared to be direct translations from Radar's article.
The Cosas article was published under the byline Manuel Santelices.
In a letter to Radar dated May 8, Carlos Alberto Reyes, a Chilean lawyer representing Cosas, said that Mr. Santelices ''did not warn of any similarity of his work with other publications.''
He added that since the journalist had contributed reliably to the magazine for more than 25 years, ''we did not doubt that his work fully responded to the upright norms always practiced by Cosas.'' The magazine was willing to pay Radar the market price for the article, Mr. Reyes wrote.
Four days after Mr. Reyes faxed his letter, Mr. Santelices was still listed on the Cosas Web site as its New York correspondent. Neither the magazine's executive editor, Mónica Comandari Kaiser, nor Mr. Reyes returned calls seeking comment about the status of Mr. Santelices, who does not have a published New York number.
Radar's editor, Maer Roshan, said he was satisfied that the situation ''has come to an amicable end.''
Other letters to Radar concerning the ''Toxic Bachelors'' article have been less amicable.
Lawyers representing two of the bachelors in the article, the talk-show host Charlie Rose, and Revlon's chairman, Ronald O. Perelman, sent Radar a letter detailing grievances, according to Scott P. McBride, a Chicago lawyer who represents Radar.
The letter from Mr. Rose's lawyer, David Boies, is reprinted in the current May/June issue. In the letter, Mr. Boies demands a retraction for inaccuracies, particularly a claim that Mr. Rose fondled another man's wife. An editors' note said the magazine had double-checked its source and would not retract the passage.


aleurzua said...

pucha, rh+, supe de esta historia hace como 3 semanas... en medio de mi mayor insanidad mental producto de mi colapso vital. no sabia que el articulo fuera de santelices, eso si. bien heavy, sobre todo que pienso que Cosas creyo que nunca los pillarian. o Santelices, al menos... esto de la globalizacion, no?

Anonymous said...

Yo no supe nada de la historia, dónde lo leiste Ale?
Harto heavy e impresentable!
Como siempre me sigo entreteniendo demasiado. Creo que mi entretención tiene algo de voyerismo, es como que estoy escuchando la conversación de dos amigas, sin permiso.

aleurzua said...

no se si lo lei o lo escuche en la radio... ya saben, mi memoria y tantisimas fuentes que tratan de informarme... pero de verdad que ya lo sabia. incluso me acuerdo que santelices no copio a todos los solteros, porque habia algunos que en chile nadie ubicaba. pero de que era descarado, lo era.

Turi y Monica said...

Perdonen la ignorancia... quien es Santelices?

aleurzua said...

manuel santelices es tooodo un personajillo. de hecho, debe estar sentido con que no sepas quien es, mas, jejeje... es un ¿periodista? historico de la revista cosas, a quien le encanta aparecer con sus entrevistados "fashion" en cuanta foto de vida social o reportajes exista. yo no suelo ver la revista cosas, en serio!, pero vez que la abro, ahi esta el, con su melena y creo que anteojos a estas alturas de la vida, no me acuerdo...

Turi y Monica said...

gracias por ponerme al dia, su blog ademas de asertivo es "educativo"!