Thursday, July 26, 2007

rh+, juguemos un poco

ema hace su aporte a seriously:

si pudieras elegir, quién serías?
descúbrelo aquí.


rh+ said...

Y bueno, por supuesto soy Charlotte y ser Bill Buchanan me dejo mas que contenta. Pero como no resulte ser Monica, no creo mucho en el sistema. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Haha!!! Esta soy yo! You are Carrie. You know what you want out of a relationship and you're not afraid to keep moving until you get it. Wit and charm are your biggest turn-ons, and you like guys who appreciate you for your mind as much as your body. You have fun playing the dating game, but secretly you just can't wait to find the guy who sweeps you off your feet and carries you into the sunset.

aleurzua said...

aunque ud no lo crea, supuestamente soy 50% charlotte (obvio) y 50%...(no se asusten): carrie. divertido, no?